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Emergency Certificate (EC)

An EC is a one-way travel document valid only for the return trip back to India and is issued after the High Commission is satisfied on the bona-fides of the applicant. Upon return to India, the applicant may approach the passport office which had issued the original passport for issuing a duplicate passport on production of the EC. Tourists who have lost/damaged their passport would be considered for an Emergency Certificate (EC).


Documents required:

  • Copy of the police report (FIR) intimating loss along with copy of the lost passport

  • In case of tourist, copy of their Hotel bookings/accommodation.

  • Individual’s letter explaining the circumstances that led to the requirement of Emergency Certificate.

  • For work permit card holders, Employer certificate (latest in English) mentioning the passport No and present residential address.

  • 3 photographs (Click here PDF file that opens in new window. To know how to open PDF file refer Help section located at bottom of the site. )



Emergency Certificate : MVR 270/-

Processing Time : One day


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